When you hear what construction worker Travis Roberts survived while on the job last week in Oregon, you’ll be surprised.
But when you see it you’ll be shocked. And probably a bit angry, too.
According to a report from KOIN TV, Roberts was working and bent over a manhole in a small parking lot in the city of Canby. Despite being surrounded by a set of eight traffic cones, he was suddenly run over by a large pickup truck.
The whole thing was caught on tape by a surveillance camera.
Despite the truck’s rear tire rolling over his midsection, Roberts incredibly survived the incident, suffering only a fractured rib and a good bit of road rash.
Unfortunately, the driver likely won’t be cited as the sheriff’s office says the incident occurred on private property.
Roberts tells KOIN that he is thankful to be alive and wants all drivers to be more aware of when they are near workers. Thankfully his story ended happily, a rarity in this industry when something like this occurs. It’s just another reminder to always keep your eyes peeled when doing road or roadside work.