The Transportation Research Board (TRB) has scheduled a webinar to cover roundabout construction and illumination, in addition to a review of 20 years of roundabout design research and practice. The webinar is set for June 1, 1-3 p.m. eastern.
“Webinar presenters will highlight how international research and practice influenced United States designs and design heuristics, how to approach the sequencing of roundabout designs, ways to show the sequencing and challenges that will be faced during the process, and current national practices for illuminating roundabouts,” TRB said.
Topics to be covered include:
20 years of advancements in roundabout design
- The progress in research and practice in roundabout design, including geometry, traffic control devices, design for rural users, and high-speed rural design
- How international research and practice influenced United States designs and design heuristics
- What the community of practice should be focusing on and what might be expected as the design practice evolves
Sequencing the construction of modern roundabouts
- Goals, how to approach sequencing, ways to show the sequencing, and challenges that will be faced during the process
- Signals, temporary striping, pedestrian crossings, temporary roundabouts, and other methods of traffic control to sequence the construction
- Real-world projects demonstrating how the above elements were applied to the sequencing of several modern roundabouts
Roundabout illumination studies, safety benefits, and a case study
- Current national practices for illuminating roundabouts
- Previous research on intersection illumination and safety, data requirements for conducting a study on illumination safety benefits, and currently available public data sources available for conducting studies
- Safety benefits of roundabout illumination based on the analysis of select roundabouts in Minnesota
Presenting will be Mark Lenters, GHD Inc., Kevin House, Parametrix, Franklin Gbologah, Georgia Institute of Technology, Jeffrey Shaw, Federal Highway Administration, will moderate.
Registration information is available here.