ATSSA procures $4.4-million grant for national safety training for roadway work zone workers

The American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA), a national roadway safety association, was recently awarded a three-year, $4.4-million work zone safety grant to train men and women nationally who work on America’s roadways. Partners in the new grant include J.M. Morales and Associates and Science Applications International Corp.

The new grant, which follows the successful completion of a previous grant awarded to ATSSA in 2006, will cover three areas – work zone safety worker training, work zone safety guidelines development, and work zone safety guidelines training.

“In addition to exceptional classroom training for workers from coast-to-coast, the new grant will give ATSSA the opportunity to develop many other unique products and services, such as podcasts, smart phone applications, online training, and much more,” said ATSSA’s Director of Training and Business Development Donna Clark in a written statement.

Under the previous grant, ATSSA trained more than 30,000 people and distributed more than 150,000 guidelines products to work zone workers and transportation organizations and agencies.

“We expect to do even more with the new grant and are excited about the numerous opportunities contained within this new grant,” Clark said. “But more importantly, ATSSA quality training will continue to contribute significantly to reducing the number of accidents and injuries on our nation’s roadways – particularly in roadway work zones – by effectively training those men and women who make roadwork their livelihood.”