Minnesota DOT gives drivers a live look at roads before venturing out in the winter weather

Updated Dec 4, 2015

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Drivers in Minnesota deciding weather to head out onto possibly dangerous roads during the winter might be wise to check online before braving the roads. The Minnesota Department of Transportation has nearly 900 traffic cameras installed across the state, and at any given time, you can see live footage from those roads online.

The feeds, viewable at www.511mn.org, become especially effective during the long winters and heavy snow Minnesota residents are accustomed to.

The Road Weather Information Stations are located on state roads and interstates throughout Minnesota. MnDOT just recently added RWIS cameras at 92 new locations.

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“RWIS is perfect for Greater Minnesota, where camera images were lacking in the past,” 511 program manager Kelly Braunig said in a press release from MnDOT. “Seeing is believing, so the photos will help motorists know what the road conditions are for where they are traveling.”

In addition to the new camera feeds, MnDOT has added to the 511 system new features like a live metro traffic map showing wrecks and the speed traffic is moving at, a weather warning system from the National Weather Service and new apps for iPhone and Android devices that makes the features accessible on smartphones.

“These improvements will give users more quality information,” Braunig said. “The more information we can give the public, the better chance they have to make good decisions on their travel.”



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