Financial District: TBA Watch

A Plan for Developing High-Speed, Nondestructive Testing Procedures for Both Design Evaluation and Construction Inspection

The strategic objective of highway renewal research in TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) is to develop the necessary tools to “get in, get out, and stay out” when renewing the existing highway infrastructure. To accomplish the goals implied in this motto, technologies and processes are needed that yield long-lasting facilities through rapid design and construction approaches while minimizing the impact to highway users. Nondestructive testing techniques that can allow rapid inspection of new construction would facilitate the timely reopening of a highway after reconstruction. To help advance this goal, Report S2-R06-RW: A Plan for Developing High-Speed, Nondestructive Testing Procedures for Both Design Evaluation and Construction Inspection examines existing and emerging nondestructive evaluation (NDE) technologies and their current state of implementation to satisfy the NDE needs for highway renewal. The report also explores a research plan for the development of NDE technologies to address the most pertinent needs for bridges, pavements, tunnels, soils, and retaining walls throughout the life of the facility.

Cathodic Protection for Life Extension of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridge Elements

Cathodic protection is the only technology that can directly stop corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 398: Cathodic Protection for Life Extension of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridge Elements examines the use of cathodic protection by state transportation agencies for controlling corrosion on existing reinforced concrete bridge elements. The report also explores the different types of cathodic protection systems, highlights case studies of states using these systems, and reviews reasons why public agencies may or may not employ cathodic protection.

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Russell Houston edits a weekly e-newsletter for the Transportation Research Board, a division of the National Academies, available at This column is not an endorsement of any of the contents of Better Roads. Contact: [email protected].