The National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse has released the latest data tally of deaths in motor vehicle traffic crashes in construction work zones, broken down by state.
Of 32,719 traffic fatalities in 2013, 579 occurred in work zones. Texas topped the list, with 104 fatalities occurring in a work zone. The NWZSIC pulls the data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Rounding out the top five were Florida, 69 fatalities; California, 51 fatalities; Illinois, 30 fatalities and Georgia, 23 fatalities. Only Vermont and Washington, D.C. had no work zone fatalities.
The National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse is a project of the American Road and Transportation Builders’ Association’s Transportation Development Foundation.
You can see the top 10 states with the most work zone traffic fatalities in the chart below and you can see all 50 states by clicking here.