Penray Emergency Tire Inflator

Penray Plus Has Exclusive Leak Detective
Tire Inflators

The new Penray Plus Tire Fix Plus emergency tire inflator provides emergency leak repair and tire inflation.

But it also features Leak Detective, which leaves a fluorescent mark at the location where the leak was sealed.

This makes it much easier for the technician to find leaks which are no longer hissing or blowing bubbles.

It’s easily applied through the tire’s valve stem and is compatible with TPMS systems and sensors.

The foaming sealant finds and seals the point of leakage and inflates the tire to a safe operating pressure, all in one simple operation.

Tire Fix Plus will work on virtually any type of pneumatic tires, including those used on cars, pickup trucks, work trucks, SUVs, boat trailers, and ATV tires, sealing leaks and inflating a tire in just a minute or two.

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