Michigan DOT debunks transportation myths with ‘Reality Check’ series

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The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is using a series of videos and information sheets to debunk a few transportation myths.

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The series, dubbed “Reality Check” examines what the agency calls “common transportation misconceptions” and offers explanations on why those ideas are false.

“There are many myths and rumors about transportation in Michigan, often repeated, that either aren’t quite true or are flat-out wrong,” says State Transportation Director Kirk T. Steudle. “Getting these cleared up is an important step to having a logical and open discussion about the real problems facing Michigan’s transportation infrastructure.”

MDOT’s first two reality checks focus on transportation funding and on salting the roads. Check out the included videos to see the agency’s take on these topics, then read more about transportation funding here and deicing here.

The DOT plans to address more transportation myths throughout the year, tackling topics such as sign replacements, roundabout safety, truck weights, road-building standards and the effects of gas prices on fuel tax revenues.

Watch the agency debunk those myths this year at michigan.gov/realitycheck.

[youtube j5CMAeJDtFs nolink]

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