The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is currently seeking submissions for sessions taking place during the ACI Spring 2010 Convention in Chicago, Ill., Fall 2010 Convention in Pittsburgh, Pa., and Spring 2011 Convention in Tampa, Fla. More information about current Calls for Papers can be found by visiting
Systems for Sustainable Construction
ACI Committee 335, Composite and Hybrid Structures, and ACI Committee 440, Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement, seek papers for the technical session “Composite/Hybrid Systems for Sustainable Construction.” This session will take place during the ACI Fall 2010 Convention in Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 24-28, 2010.
Participants are invited to submit presentations related to composite/hybrid construction and design.
Abstracts of up to 500 words, along with presentation title, author name(s), and contact information should be sent to Paul Ziehl at [email protected] no later than Feb. 1, 2010.
Research in Progress
ACI Committee 123, Research and Current Developments, seeks papers for the technical session “Research in Progress.” This session will take place during the ACI Spring 2010 Convention in Chicago, Ill., March 21-25, 2010.
Participants are invited to submit presentations related to any aspect of an ongoing research program highlighting the overall scope of the research, methods of investigation, test procedures, results, and conclusions to date.
Abstracts of up to 250 words, along with presentation title, author name(s), and contact information should be sent to Aleksandra Radlinska at [email protected] or Farshad Rajabipour at [email protected] no later than Feb. 10, 2010.
Design of Sustainable Concrete Bridges
ACI Committee 343, Concrete Bridge Design, and ACI Committee 130, Sustainability, seek papers for the technical session “Design of Sustainable Concrete Bridges.” This session will take place during the ACI Fall 2010 Convention in Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 24-28, 2010.
Participants are invited to submit presentations related to designing sustainable bridges, including topics such as utilizing “green concrete,” recycled material usage, designing with sustainable technologies, designing bridges with long-term durability aspects, etc.
Abstracts of up to 250 words, along with presentation title, author name(s), and contact information should be sent to Nur Yazdani at [email protected] no later than March 1, 2010.
Fiber Reinforced Polymers
ACI Committee 440, Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement, seeks papers for the 10th International Symposium on “Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures.” This meeting will take place during the ACI Spring 2011 Convention in Tampa, Fla., April 2-4, 2011.
Participants are invited to submit papers relating to any topic on FRP materials or products used to repair, strengthen, or reinforce concrete and masonry systems.
Letters of Intent, along with presentation title, author name(s), and contact information should be sent to [email protected] no later than March 5, 2010.