Just pick up the phone. You know you can do it. Step away from the computer and do things what has become “the old-fashioned way.”
Use your voice and make it heard today as part of the Transportation Construction Coalition’s (TCC) phone blitz to Congress. The TCC has organized a nationwide call-in TODAY, Dec. 10, to urge Congressional action on a highway reauthorization bill.
I know we keep repeating this, but our nation’s infrastructure is in a sad state. It’s old and at capacity. And in a time with a fledgling economy, we need our infrastructure at its best to foster, economic growth, global competitiveness, and even the safety of our families.
The National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), which is a part of the TCC, notes in its nationwide call-in PR: “Although Congress is embroiled in other high profile issues such as health care, senators and representatives must be reminded that this national imperative cannot be ignored.
“They need to address this crisis NOW. The first step they can take is to extend the expired Highway and Transit program authorization and get to work on passing a well-funded, multi-year bill. In visits by TCC members on Capitol Hill, members of Congress report they are not hearing from people at home. They need to hear from you TODAY!”
So just do it. Use your fingers and dial Congress.
A toll-free number has been set up to allow calls directly to the offices of your senators and representative at 888-448-2782.
The TCC notes that while e-mail and letters are helpful, phone calls require an individual to answer and to make note of why you are calling.
The coalition also says not to be discouraged if you received a busy signal and to keep trying.
Congressional offices are being overwhelmed by calls on the health care bill so if you receive a busy signal, please keep trying until you get through and can deliver your message.
The TCC is callers to make the following points:
- (Name of state) has huge transportation needs that are not being met, including deficient bridges, deteriorating pavements, congested roads and safety hazards. America’s infrastructure is literally crumbling and with it our economic competitiveness.
- In addition, the construction industry has an unemployment rate of more than 18 percent.
- Without the certainty of a long term authorization bill, with increased funding levels, construction companies and material suppliers in our state will be forced to lay off additional workers.
- Businesses will not invest in new equipment when there is so much uncertainty about the on- going and future construction market.
- Congress must do its job and delay no longer. Pass a multi-year transportation authorization bill now and provide the revenue necessary to increase funding to address (name of state) short term need for jobs and long term economic growth.
- In addition, the TCC is delivering a letter to Congress today signed by its members’ various state-affiliated organizations and chapters as well as other business and civic groups urging action on a multi-year, surface transportation reauthorization. A downloadble PDF of the letter can be viewed here.