Since corrugated metal pipe (CMP) was first introduced for culvert applications, untold miles of CMP have been installed across the country.
These original (and more recent) culvert installations are now failing at an alarming rate and any failure can cause untold damage. State DOT’s (Department of Transportation) are increasingly facing the challenges of deteriorating culverts, both concrete and CMP.
DOT officials and maintenance engineers face a daunting task of maintaining failing infrastructure. The inconvenience to the public must be as minimal as possible during replacement or rehabilitation.
The long-term interests of the public sector must be balanced between the immediate cost and the longest design life materials. This paper will discuss: first create a list of options for a failing culvert and second look closely at the option of complete replacement with same size or larger size pipe. This paper deals primarily with failing CMP, however the options and the replacement methods and materials can be used for other failing materials as well as square, rectangular or oval shaped structures.
For the complete paper, click here: FailingCulvertsAndSolutionOptions