New Website Announcement

Traffic Management USA, the superior installation choice for decorative paving and high-friction surfacing systems, has launched a completely redesigned website

A division of Traffic Calming USA, Traffic Management USA (TMUSA) is working with our clients to provide better solutions and install products that reduce accidents and enhance surroundings on roads all over the US! TMUSA represents the highest quality of decorative pavement products ideal for applications on crosswalks, intersections, roads and sidewalks; as well as high-friction surfacing products which can be used on dangerous curves, intersection approaches, steep grades, bridge decks and bicycle paths. From road safety and visual awareness to landscaping and other beautification projects – Traffic Management USA’s installers are the experts that will make them a success.

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Our website features our newly branded, corporate look and streamlined site navigation.  It provides our potential and existing customers with an overview of our product and service offerings.  Coming soon, our new website will introduce our E-newsletter aiming to share with our customers the latest news and information in road safety and traffic calming products, as well as the most recent information about TMUSA, to help keep our customers up to date on global changes and innovations in the industry. The website is our communication tool focusing on establishing a closer relationship with our existing and potential customers.