Georgia Department of Transportation Chief Engineer Gerald Ross was chosen by Commissioner Vance C. Smith, Jr., to also serve as the Department’s top official for development and implementation of public-private partnerships (P3) for transportation improvements.
Ross will add to his duties the role of Division Director of Georgia DOT’s Public Private Partnership (P3) program. He replaces Sandra Burgess, who is retiring this week.
A 29-year Department veteran, Ross has also served recently as deputy commissioner, a position he will vacate soon to allow him to devote his full attention to the Chief Engineer’s duties and the burgeoning P3 program.
“We have three excellent P3 concepts advancing,” Smith said in a written statement from the Georgia DOT. “The West by Northwest managed lanes projects, the Multi-Modal Terminal in Atlanta, and optimizing the value of our rest areas and welcome centers throughout the state. All of them are moving into technical phases of development that will mesh perfectly with and benefit from Gerald’s outstanding engineering skills.”
Smith also announced that Innovative Program Delivery Project Manager John Hancock will become deputy administrator of the P3 program.