The Snow & Ice Management Association (SIMA) and Snow Business magazine have named Integrated Snow Removal President Samuel Granados, CSP, of Wheat Ridge, Colo., with its first CEO of the Year Award.
The award was created to honor the top decision-makers in the snow and ice management industry. Candidates were judged on their accomplishments in four areas: advancement of the snow and ice industry, community involvement, ethics and professionalism and business acumen. Fourteen candidates (nominated from others within the industry or their companies) were narrowed to three finalists. The winner was chosen by members of the Snow Business Editorial Advisory Board and the SIMA Board of Directors.
“It takes an entire team and many components for a snow and ice business to be successful,” says SIMA President Daniel Gilliland, CSP, president of SnowFighters U.S. in Belton, Mo.. “But certainly, it takes tireless dedication from the top office in a company to be the leading force in such success. I am excited to present Sam with this award. His commitment to the industry, his business and his community makes him a well-deserved recipient.”
Granados, who formed Integrated Snow Removal in 1995, is a lifetime member of SIMA and a previous winner of the association’s Excellence in Business Award in 2007. He was the first Coloradan to become a certified snow professional and is a past member of the SIMA board of directors.
“It is very humbling to think that I was chosen out of all these candidates. There aren’t words to express how honored I feel,” Granados say.
Granados will receive the award during SIMA’s Snow Strategies Forum in Boston on Aug. 22 and is featured on the cover of the August issue of the magazine. Go to to view the video and cover story featuring Granados.
This year’s award was sponsored by Buyers Products. “Buyers Products is proud to sponsor the SIMA CEO of the Year award,” Dave Zelis, director of sales and marketing for uyers. “The selection criteria of innovation, professionalism, ethical business practices and the advancement of the profession mirrors our philosophy and commitment to this industry.”