Cities rethink transportation due to drop in young drivers

(Photo: Adam Fagen / Flickr)(Photo: Adam Fagen / Flickr)

As young Americans shy away from cars and lean more on alternative forms of transportation, state transportation leaders have begun to react.

Macomb, Illinois, has created a cost-effective way to maintain its existing transit system. Chicago’s mayor is working to make roads safer for bicyclists. States like Washington and Colorado are becoming more bike-friendly. The list goes on.

Now Boston has begun to rethink its transportation system.

In an interview with Wendy Landman, executive director of the nonprofit group Walk Boston, WBUR reported on what Boston is doing, and what the city should be doing, to adjust to the new trend in transportation.

During the interview, Landman touted Boston for its walk- and bike-friendly system.

To improve transportation, she suggested leaders should focus on walking, biking and transit when considering designs for the city and state, adding that car use should not be ruled out entirely.

Landman also pointed to safety as a large concern, stating “if we have many, many more people on bicycles, we’re going to also see some more bike accidents than we used to see.” Her solution: promote more bicycling and walking.

Want to know more? Check out the entire interview at