Check out these earthmoving attachments from John Deere, Case, Bobcat, Doosan, Wacker Neuson, Eterra, Edge and Geith.
Switch from grading to dozing
The Eterra Dozer-Grader allows the operator to raise the bolster wheels on the attachment when it’s time for pushing large piles of material and then lower the wheels when grading. This dual function attachment comes with a moldboard that is 40 percent taller than most standard graders for pushing more material, the company says. Intelligent design allows for manual, laser and GPS controls to raise, lower and angle the moldboard to achieve accurate grade. It is operated with dual joystick controls. The blade system allows for grading in all directions.
Forward and reverse laser-control grading
Case Construction Equipment says its new Laser Grading Box for its skid steers and compact track loaders achieves finished grades with 0.1-inch accuracy. The box is designed for such uses as concrete subgrade, parking lots and driveways. The operator sets the laser at the desired grade, and the rotating laser beam is read by the receivers on the mast poles. The control panel then tells the hydraulic valve system to adjust the grading box up or down based on the laser’s location in relation to the grade. The attachment grades both in forward and reverse for increased maneuverability and productivity.
Dig more, cleanout with ease
Bobcat has redesigned its trenching buckets and added new grading buckets for its E26 through E85 compact excavators. The buckets have been designed for durability, improved digging capabilities and easier cleanout. The grading buckets are available in widths of 36, 48 and 60 inches and have the same profile as the trenching buckets, which come in widths of 12, 16, 18, 20, 30 and 36 inches. The trenching buckets have a replaceable cutting edge. A toothed version of the trenching bucket uses the same teeth as previous models, so dealers do not have to stock two types of teeth.
Control each grapple arm independently
Wacker Neuson’s utility brush grapple is fabricated with high-strength steel and is designed for heavy-duty applications, with reinforced components and replaceable cutting edges. The hardened steel bushings, pins and cylinders are designed for durability. The operator can control each grapple arm independently for greater control and for stabilizing irregular loads. Bucket tines are spaced 6 inches apart with support plates to help hold material in the bucket for easier pickup and material management. The skeleton-style ribbing makes the grapple strong, yet lightweight.
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Geith designed its angle tilt buckets to make it easier for excavator operators to complete slope finishing, grading and land-clearing. As their name implies, the buckets can tilt 45 degrees in each direction. They can also be equipped with two heavy-duty hydraulic cylinders, spill guards and cylinder guards. The buckets weigh between 388 and 2,034 pounds. The largest model has a heaped capacity of 1.75 cubic yards. They are made for excavators ranging from 3 to 33 tons. Other features include reversible bolt-on cutting edge, heavy-duty side cutters and wear pads.
Soil compaction with excavators, backhoes
John Deere has designed its three new plate compactors for trench, slope and excavation compaction applications. The PC4, PC7 and PC10 plate compactors are compatible with the John Deere compact excavator models 26G, 30G, 35, 50G and 60G, and backhoe models 310L, 310L EP, 310SL, 310SL HL, 315SL and 410L. They also work on most competitors’ models, the company says. The PC4 delivers 4,000 pounds of impulse force and is 13 inches wide; the PC7 delivers 6,400 pounds of impulse force and is 18 inches wide; and the PC10 delivers 8,000 pounds of impulse force and is 24 inches wide.
Turn skid steer into grading machine
The Edge grader blade attachment can turn your skid steer or track loader into a grading machine. It features a 96-inch blade, in-cab hydraulic control of angle and tilt, and a reversible and replaceable cutting edge. A proportional current valve gradually adjusts the blade height, angle and tilt. A Leica laser grade control system is optional. The transmitter features accuracy up to 3,608 feet. The grader is designed for building pads, parking lots and runways, land leveling, concrete forming and framework, retention ponds, and setting foundations and footings.
Handle abrasive materials
Doosan severe-duty buckets for use with crawler excavators can handle abrasive materials in heavy digging and loading applications. Features include abrasive-resistant side cutters, shell bottom and side plates; weld-on wear shroud; four or six reinforcing gussets to strengthen the machine fitting joint on the bucket; front wear pads for additional protection from rocks and irregular materials; and an abrasive-resistant wear strap on the bottom to improve wear resistance when working with harsh materials.