Vermeer intros new branding, previews equipment in store this week at ICUEE 2013 show

Marcia Doyle Headshot

Vermeer Equipped To Do MOreVermeer Manufacturing unveiled its new “Equipped to Do More” tag line at a press gathering Monday night. The line is part of a new branding project Chief Marketing Officer Mark Core says had its roots at the 2011 International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition (ICUEE) show and is heavily based on customer feedback.

“Under the direction of our CEO Mary Andringa, we started the most extensive research project in Vermeer’s history,” said Core.

The research resulted in 1,100 pages of customer comments on two basic questions: What was important to their business? What was their perception of Vermeer? “Customers told us they were looking for productivity and profitability,” Core said. “Equipment is just part of that partnership.”

And the conversation has continued with Vermeer’s dealers, who are “extremely optimistic” about today’s underground market, says Dave Wisniewski, vice president of Vermeer’s underground segment. “We are in a world that in the next 20 years will gain 1 billion people,” he said. “People equal infrastructure.”

The equation for underground infrastructure development increases exponentially with the tremendous data-on-demand requirements of an interconnected world, shale oil development and creating solutions for water scarcity, Wisniewski said.

Jon Kuyers, global product manager for underground, overviewed several products Vermeer will intro at the show, including its InSite telematics system.

“This is different in three basic areas,” he said. “First, if there’s a problem with machine health, it will spell out what the problem is instead of giving a code. Second, the preventive maintenance schedule for the specific machine is pre-loaded. If a service interval is pending, the machine will send you a text message. Third, it offers utilization tools, explaining how the machine is being used.”

Also on tap at the Vermeer booth this week:


Vermeer D9x13S3 directional drill

D9x13S3 directional drill, debuting the S3 next generation drill line up, which has common controls throughout the series.

Vermeer RTX450 quad-track trencher

RTX450 quad-track trencher, designed for curb-to-house installations.


D220x300 drill for pipeline installations
D220x300 drill for pipeline installations, offered with a pump/recycler.

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