Crew demolishes wrong house

A demolition crew in Phoenix mistakenly tore down a house Wednesday across the street from the home that was supposed to be demolished.

An old neighbor alerted Jenny Lopez to the heavy construction equipment in her yard, but by the time Lopez arrived the house she had lived in for 30 years had been reduced to rubble. The home was vacant, but Lopez was using it to store household items and had hoped to sell it.

The mailboxes are on one side of the street in the southwest Phoenix neighborhood and house numbers are not clearly marked. David Gomez, a demolition worker at the site, would only say he would probably lose his job over the incident.

Foresight Investment Group of Phoenix had hired a contractor to tear down the house across the street from Lopez’s. That home was vacant and boarded up. Joe Uruquart, one of the company’s owners, told the Associated Press the company was either going to sell the property or build a new house.