Doosan offers compressor remanufacturing program

Doosan Remarketing Services, a Doosan Infracore business unit, has launched a Factory Certified Remanufacturing Program for aging air compressors. Under the remanufacturing program, Doosan Remarketing Services takes older, larger model air compressors — with capacity greater than 675 cubic feet per minute — originally manufactured by Ingersoll Rand or Doosan Portable Power, and returns them to showroom condition.

During the remanufacturing process, compressors are subjected to a 117-point inspection before they are disassembled to the frame. Each air compressor receives a remanufactured engine of the same tier classification as originally equipped, as well as a remanufactured airend. Usable parts are cleaned and reinspected before reassembly. Then the compressor gets new fluids, replaced filters and exterior paint stripping and recoating.

Working directly through an authorized Doosan Portable Power dealer, Doosan customers may also submit older model air compressors for the remanufacturing program and retain ownership. In this case, all pricing and shipping details will be handled directly with customers by their authorized Doosan dealer. Contact your Doosan Portable Power dealer for details.

Only Doosan air compressors or units originally manufactured by Ingersoll Rand with capacity greater than 675 cubic feet per minute are eligible at this time. Remanufactured compressors are available for purchase by any retail outlet or customer. Available listings are posted at

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