U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on Dec. 15 unveiled a new U.S. Department of Transportation “Buy America” Web page that the DOT says will help American businesses reap the full benefits of the Obama Administration’s historic investments in transportation infrastructure.
Speaking at a Building America’s Future Policy Forum in Charleston, S.C., LaHood announced this latest effort to promote Buy America compliance by consolidating and improving access to Buy America provisions across all DOT agencies on one centralized Web page.
The new site can be accessed at https://www.transportation.gov/buy-america-provisions-side-side-comparison.
“The Obama Administration is making historic investments in America’s infrastructure – investments that lay the foundation for our long-term economic health while creating good-paying jobs right now,” said Secretary LaHood. “We’re also committed to maximizing the economic benefits of these infrastructure investments through Buy America provisions that keep American companies healthy and families working.”
Buy America provisions ensure that transportation infrastructure projects are built with American-made products. Through Buy America, the Department of Transportation supports an entire supply chain of American companies and their employees, maximizing the economic benefit of infrastructure investments.
While there are similarities, the Department of Transportation’s operating administrations have different Buy America statutory provisions. The new website launched today will provide access to each agency’s Buy America provisions, requirements and waiver processes on one web site. Companies can also subscribe to receive alerts when new information on Buy America for U.S. Department of Transportation-funded infrastructure projects is posted.