The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) will be holding a regional “Start Us Up USA” rally in Des Moines, Iowa, to build support for highway reauthorization and related measures to help the equipment industry recover from the economic downturn.
The event is slated for Friday, May 7 at 4 p.m. at the Iowa State Capitol Building in Des Moines, and the message will be clear: “New Highway Bill Needed to Save Jobs and Improve Roads.”
The rally will feature an array of equipment idled by the equipment industry depression as well as remarks by local and national industry leaders and Iowa government officials. AEM is one of the event speakers and sponsors. It is being organized by the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Distributors and Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association and is supported by a statewide coalition of associations, businesses and individuals.
Since the start of the economic recession, the construction industry has been stuck in a depression. Manufacturers, construction companies and workers have felt the impact of the worst economic conditions ever in the construction industry. Local and state governments have been unable to address critical infrastructure needs and have struggled with long-term infrastructure planning due to the instability of future federal funding.
The Iowa rally is the latest in a series of regional events that have been staged across the country since fall 2009. AEM and the Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) launched the Start Us Up USA grassroots campaign to focus public attention on the economic depression in the construction industry and the need for Congress to swiftly enact a new multi-year highway bill to meet America’s critical infrastructure needs. Click here for more details.
The Iowa “Start us Up USA” rally is sponsored in part by: Asphalt Paving Association of Iowa, Associated Equipment Distributors, Associated General Contractors of Iowa, Association of Equipment Manufacturers, Caterpillar Dealers of Iowa-Ziegler & Altorfer, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, Iowa Good Roads Association, Iowa League of Cities, Iowa Limestone Producers Association, Iowa Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Iowa State Association of Counties, Iowa State Association of County Supervisors, Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association, John Deere Construction & Forestry Division, Land Improvement Contractors of America, Manatts Inc., Murphy Tractor and Equipment Company, Star Equipment, Vermeer Corporation.