More than half of highway fatalities related to deficient roadway conditions

More than half of U.S. highway fatalities are related to deficient roadway conditions, according to a study by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE). The study, titled “On a Crash Course: The Dangers and Health Costs of Deficient Roadways,” identifies ways transportation officials can improve road conditions to save lives and reduce injuries.

The study revealed that deficient roadway conditions contributed to more than 22,000 fatalities and cost the nation more than $217 billion per year. Alcohol costs the nation $130 billion per year, followed by $97 billion for speeding and $60 billion for not wearing a seatbelt.

“If we put as much focus on improving road safety conditions as we do in urging people not to drink and drive, we’d save thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year,” says Dr. Ted Miller, principal study author.

The states with the highest total cost from crashes involving deficient road conditions are Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas.