Safe mast climbing work platforms guidelines released

The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) and Kevin O’Shea of Mastclimbers have produced a 28-page pamphlet providing guidance and recommendations on the installation, maintenance and usage of mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs). The pamphlet outlines concise training requirements, and also provides checklists for daily and weekly inspections.
‘The US is in the same position now that the UK was in with legislation on design and safe use falling further and further behind the uptake of the product in all market sectors,” says O’Shea, chairman, IPAF International MCWP Committee.
O’Shea says the guidelines are based on the safest method of powered access available, European document Health and Safety Guidance for MCWPs, Guideline BS7981, and includes input from ANSI A92.9 and OSHA 1926 Subpart L “Scaffolds.”

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