United Rentals acquires HSS RentX branches, opens contractor supply center

United Rentals has acquired all HSS RentX branch locations in Colorado. HSS RentX, the American operation of British-based HSS Hire Service Group, has 14 operating rental locations in the state. “With the acquisition of the HSS RentX branch network in Colorado, we have more than doubled our footprint in a vibrant construction market and substantially expanded our service to customers in this state,” said Robert Krause, vice president –Northwest region for United Rentals.

The company has also opened the sixth of nine contractor supply distribution centers planned for the United States and Canada. The 43,500 sq. center in Portland, Ore., will stock 8,000 contractor supply line items including saw blades, power tools and safety gear. It will accept orders through more than 50 United Rentals branches in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. United Rentals has opened similar centers in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, California and Texas.