GM Mobile Hotspot Option

Pickup Mobile Hotspot  

GM Wi-Fi 2 Go

Mobile hotspot option is ideal for contractors on the go

Contractors, landscapers, road builders and mangers who are in the market for a new GM pickup and need to have access to the internet to do their job might want to consider  this dealer-installed option: Mobile Wi-Fi.

The upgrade allows you to take the Internet with you in your Silverado using Chevrolet Wi-Fi by Autonet Mobile.

This available dealer-installed accessory provides multiple users with full Internet access up to a 150-foot radius around your truck.

Not a GM owner — or own an older vehicle? No worries.

Michael Darrow, Autonet’s director of business development says, “Our in-vehicle routers will work on any brand and year vehicle so long as it has 12v power and ground.  The retail price is $499 and the data plan is $179/yr for 1GB/mo prepaid (or $19.95/mo).”

Fleet service plans are set up through Autonet Mobile as well.

When you’re on the go, staying connected matters. Maybe it’s calling the shots with work orders while on the job. Other times, it’s checking up on the weather or getting in touch with friends during a family trip.

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