In 2012, AEMP will recognize two outstanding heavy equipment technicians with the 23rd annual Technician of the Year Award. The award is sponsored by the AEMP Foundation and John Deere. Winners will be honored at a special luncheon during the 30th Management Conference and Annual Meeting, March 18 in Scottsdale, Ariz. The competition is open to the entire industry—you need not be an AEMP member to win. Those interested in nominating a heavy equipment technician must submit a completed application, postmarked no later than January 13, 2012.
The Technician of the Year Award is presented to one winner from each the public and private sector. It’s designed to acknowledge professionals who exhibit technical skills, and innovative trouble-shooting and diagnostic capabilities, as well as those who make significant contributions to the equipment technician profession. In addition to the honor of the award, winners receive complimentary registration for the Annual Meeting plus two nights lodging. Winners also receive an embroidered jacket, $500 scholarship, plaque and custom built John Deere toolbox.
The 2011 private sector winner was Tom Hellmers, Murphy Tractor and Equipment. Ron Bradly, Sarasota County Fleet Services Department, took home the public sector award last year.
Download the 2012 Technician of the Year Award application by visiting

Contact Sara Sanderman, vice-president of program development, with any questions on submission criteria at 970.384.0510 ext. 205 or [email protected].