Ingersoll-Rand offers the ABG Titan 326 EPM track paver, designed for placing roller-compacted concrete, cement-treated base and untreated base, as well as asphalt, especially when deep lifts and wide paving widths are required. The paver cuts the number of passes and labor necessary to complete the job.
Weighing 32,193 pounds, the machine can be used on highways, secondary roads, airports, landfills and railway tracks. It paves at a laydown rate of up to 771 tons per hour at a maximum paving speed of 65 feet per minute. With a hopper capacity of 14.8 tons and a maximum paving width of more than 32 feet, the paver is capable of laying a nearly 12-inch-thick mat in one pass.
The machine comes with seven different screed options ranging from 8 to 32.8 feet, including hydraulically extended screeds and fixed-width screeds. The screeds are available with single-tamping or dual-tamping technology. Screed extensions are quickly fitted using a patented hydraulic quick coupling system. The screed crown can be easily adjusted and a multi-plate clamp ensures there is no slippage.
The paver comes standard with an integrated digital control system called Electronic Paver Management, which gives you an intuitive interface with the paver’s functions.