A $78 million project to widen 6 miles of U.S. 95 freeway in Las Vegas, which includes a diverging diamond interchange, has been completed.
The freeway between Durango Drive and Kyle Canyon Road has been widened from four lanes to six lanes to relieve traffic congestion and improve safety, according to the Nevada Department of Transportation.
Part of those safety improvements include a diverging diamond interchange at Kyle Canyon Road that has two pairs of unimpeded left turns on and off the freeway.
“Diverging diamond interchanges are a much more efficient movement of vehicles as opposed to ramps where you need to slow and then speed back up to make a freeway-to-freeway connection,” said NDOT spokesman Tony Illia. “Although still fairly new to Nevada, diverging diamond interchanges provide a much more safe and efficient movement of vehicles through the interchange, as opposed to traditional ramps.”
To watch a video of the new interchange, click here.
The freeway, in northwest Las Vegas, currently has about 52,000 vehicles traveling on it a day, and the NDOT projects that number will double over the next 20 years. The widened freeway is designed to provide additional capacity for future growth, NDOT Director Kristina Swallow says.
Other improvements include advanced technology through Intelligent Transportation Systems, such as ramp metering to control the traffic flow onto the highway, traffic cameras, radar detection, emergency vehicle detectors and dynamic message sign. HOV lanes are now available for cars with at least two occupants, and decorative rock was added to the landscaping.
Construction on the project began in February 2018 by contractor Las Vegas Paving.