Two key organizations are formally joining forces to help bring more women into the transportation workforce.
The American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) and the Women’s Transportation Seminar International (WTS) have formed an alliance to support and advance women in the transportation infrastructure sector. They signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in early October at ARTBA’s National Convention in New York City.
“ARTBA looks forward to working with WTS to promote the development and advancement of women in the transportation design and construction industry,” says AECOM Executive Vice President Matt Cummings, who served as 2017-2018 ARTBA chairman and championed the agreement.
“Through this MOU, we also hope to help drive an increase in the number of women entering the transportation workforce.”
Maggie Walsh, an HDR vice president and WTS international chair said the agreement “signifies the importance of promoting the many facets of the transportation sector as a rewarding career choice for women while furthering their participation, skill sets and careers to ensure the sector’s future success.”
The agreement aims to:
- Promote the transportation infrastructure sector as a rewarding career choice for women;
- Further the participation, advancement and recognition of women in the transportation infrastructure sector, both public and private;
- Provide professional development opportunities to help women advance their skill sets and careers to ensure the sector’s future success;
- Encourage participation in organizational leadership activities at the national, state and local levels; and
- Cooperate with others who share these objectives to achieve them.
ARTBA and WTS will support each other in the development of content for meetings and conferences, including identifying speakers, opportunities for jointly sponsored workshops, webinars and meetings, publicizing each other’s events, and supporting mentoring programs.
WTS is an international organization with more than 6,500 members in 79 chapters working to help advance women’s careers in transportation through professional development, encouragement and recognition.