Mass. breaks ground on Natick multimodal project

Updated Aug 29, 2017
Photo Credit: Flickr user J. Stephen ConnPhoto Credit: Flickr user J. Stephen Conn

Massachusetts officials recently broke ground on a multimodal improvement project in the town of Natick that is funded through the state’s Complete Street Funding Program.

The project will update 14 intersections and install pedestrian hybrid beacons, high visibility crosswalks, pedestrian warning signage and upgraded pedestrian signal and bicycle detection equipment to increase safety and accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists.

“We are pleased to collaborate with cities and towns like Natick to invest in local infrastructure needs and allow people to better get where they need to go,” says Gov. Charlie Baker. “By empowering municipalities with resources to upgrade their sidewalks, intersections, and roads, we can ensure people across our Commonwealth are able to use their preferred mode of transit to safely and efficiently reach their jobs, homes, friends and families.”

Since 2016, the Baker administration has awarded about $10 million to 26 communities across Massachusetts to assist in building “Complete Streets” infrastructure in addition to awarding approximately $2.7 million in technical assistance grants and working closely with municipalities in promoting smart designs to make streets safe for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and drivers.

“MassDOT is continuing to work hand in hand with towns such as Natick in order to provide them with the opportunity to improve their roadways for everyone, whether they are walking, bicycling, riding public transit, or driving,” says Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “We appreciate the hard work by all those who are involved in the Complete Streets program and our state and local partners who are continuing to integrate ‘Complete Streets’ design principles into our transportation systems.”

The Complete Streets Funding Program so far has had 161 municipalities register to participate, 129 cities and towns have approved complete streets policies and 60 have approved Prioritization Plans.


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