MnDOT says the tool would give production rates based on design criteria and will help in evaluating the benefit of using accelerated bridge construction techniques.
“This research will enable District project managers, who may not have bridge knowledge or background, to complete project planning and scoping more effectively,” says Paul Johns of MnDOT’s Office of Construction and Innovative Contracting.
The department says the project is set be finished by early March 2018. The following includes tasks WSB & Associates have been contracted to provide:
- Conduct an existing practices literature review of current departments of transportation processes around the United States for bridge time and cost estimation.
- Review and compile actual case study bridge construction production rates and cost data for major bridge components from state-provided diaries, schedules and bridge plans.
- Evaluate and select the best software format and style for a bridge construction time estimation tool. Load state case study production rate data into estimation tool and run validation using bridges currently under construction.
- Produce a research report summarizing the literature review on best practices. Produce a user guide for bridge time estimation tool and training presentation.
- An optional task, if the budget allows, will include the development of a cost estimating tool. Cost estimation data would be gathered from the literature review and case study analysis during the development of bridge construction time estimation tool for efficiency.