TRIP is in its third year and holds up to four solicitations each year. The program aims to “identify and implement innovative solutions for transportation related projects, processes and products.”
“The NDDOT is committed to providing a safe and reliable transportation system while utilizing resources more efficiently,” says Wayde Swenson, NDDOT Director of Operations. “In today’s economic environment these innovative ideas can change the way we do business and provide the public with better service at a reduced cost.”
Potential ideas for submissions as identified by the agency include:
- Bridges and structures
- Construction
- Operations and Maintenance
- Roadway surfacing
- Planning
- Environmental
- Safety
- Service delivery
- Transit
- Multi-modal
- Innovative or currently underprovided transportation training
- Innovative research
Examples of submittals that have been implemented include:
- Micro-Milling and Microsurfacing a roadway for enhanced ride
- Building a geosynthetic reinforced soil integrated bridge system to reduce new bridge cost
- Using a Texas Underseal on HBP Overlay projects for reduced pavement cracking
- Studying the use of Fiberglass Rebar & Dowels Bars in Bridges and Pavements
- Using Fiber Reinforced HBP to reduce pavement thickness
- Installing Culvert Movement Monitoring/Instrumentation
- Using URETEK Deep Polymer Injection on frost heaves to improve ride
- Monitoring traffic flows with Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Using Geogrid Reinforcement under aggregate base to conserve aggregate reserves
- Using non-destructive testing for verifying concrete pavement thicknesses
- Using Hydrated Lime as an anti-stripping agent in new full-depth HBP pavements
- Developing a digital driver’s license application process
- Using TheSmartCone technology for security, work-zone safety and surveillance applications
Those eligible to submit ideas include NDDOT staff, associations, local jurisdictions, suppliers, tribes, consultants, colleges and universities and contractors.
More details are available here. Submissions are due Sept. 15.