The advertised contracts, which are part of the sixth year of the Move Illinois program, include:
♦ Five design contracts for the new Interstate 490 Tollway
♦ One design contract for the Illinois Route 47 Interchange on the Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88)
♦ One design contract for reconstruction of the Edens Spur (I-94)
♦ One design contract for pavement and structural work on the Tri-State Tollway (I-294)
♦ Two design upon request contracts
♦ One construction management contract for the Illinois Route 390 Interchange on the I-490 Tollway
♦ One construction management contract for ramps on the Reagan Memorial Tollway (I- 88)/Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Interchange
♦ One construction management contract for landscaping and miscellaneous work on the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90)
♦ Two construction management upon request contracts
♦ One contract for traffic operations and maintenance
More details are available at in the “Doing Business” section. The Tollway asks proposals be submitted by March 27, and the contracts are expected to awarded this spring. The organization expects work to begin this year.