South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster has requested about $5.18 billion to fund the state’s infrastructure needs in a letter sent to President Trump. The request was one of several recently sent to the president in the hopes of tapping into his promise of improving infrastructure throughout the country.
“History shows that South Carolina has given much to the nation, and we intend to give more,” McMaster wrote in his letter. “But it is too much at this time to ask our people to bear this burden alone, heightening fears of increased gas taxes, delay, missed opportunities and decline.”
The request includes the following items that is part of the South Carolina Department of Transportation Asset Management Plan:
- $500 million for improving the safety on about 2,000 miles of the state’s “deadliest roads.” This would include adding basic safety features such as shoulders, pavement markings, signage, rumble strips and providing clear zones.
- $2 billion for paving and repairing the interstate and primary road systems. The state says 35 percent of the interstate system is rated in “poor” condition and needs immediate repair, with “a large number requiring to be completely rebuilt from the foundation up.” The primary system carries more than half of the state’s traffic and only 10 percent of the system is rated in “good” condition and more than 50 percent needs to be completely rebuilt, the state reports.
- $2 billion for addressing congestion and bottlenecks along the state’s freight network used by commercial trucking, commuters and visitors
- $500 million for repairing and replacing structurally deficient bridges
- $180 million for deepening the Charleston port to 52 feet