Worlds received her Bachelor of Science in Business Communication with an emphasis in Marketing from Rochester College and worked in higher education as the Public Relations Officer and Student Organization Advisor at Rochester College. She completed a Certificate in African Studies from Yale University, and was involved with several global learning providers, including Projects Abroad Tanzania, Youth for Understanding and the Office of International Students and Scholars at Oakland University. She began working for ACI in 2015.
“Most people first become engaged with ACI during their time in school,” said Ronald G. Burg, P.E., executive vice president, American Concrete Institute, in a press release. “While ACI’s free student e-membership is a great tool to increase the Institute’s engagement with students and universities, there is much more that we can do to strengthen our relationship with students during their schooling and in the years following. I am eager to see Kanette leverage her vast ACI and educational experiences to more closely align the Institute’s offerings with the needs of our student, faculty, and young professional communities.”