The Road Improvement Program (TRIP) has elected Nick Yaksich, senior vice president for government and industry relations for the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), as its 2017 chairman.
Yaksich has served on the group’s board of directors since 1999 and on its executive committee since 2001. He also serves on the executive committee of Americans for Transportation Mobility.
“AEM has supported TRIP’s efforts since TRIP was formed in 1971,” Yaksich says. “I am honored to serve as the next chairman of TRIP, an organization that has done tremendous work increasing public awareness of the need to invest in America’s surface transportation infrastructure for almost five decades.”
Other officers TRIP recently elected for 2017 include: President: Tom Brown, President of Sierra Pacific West in Encinitas, California; Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer: Jeffrey DiStefano, Vice President & COO of Harrison & Burrowes Bridge Constructors Inc. in Glenmont, New York; and Vice President: Kenneth K. Wert, President of Haskell Lemon Construction Co. in Oklahoma City.
Also elected to TRIPS board of directors are: Donn Diederich, Executive Vice President of Industrial Builders Inc. in Fargo, North Dakota; Will Griffin, Account Executive of American Global LLC in Miami; Ashley Jackson, Director of Government Affairs of the National Asphalt Pavement Association in Lanham, Maryland; and Michele Stanley, Director of Government Affairs of the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association in Alexandria, Virginia.