California allocates $236 million for 40 transportation projects

Updated Dec 20, 2016

California welcome signThe California Transportation Commission (CTC) has allocated $236 million for 40 transportation projects across the state.

“Allocations like those made today help Caltrans continue to invest in, maintain and modernize California’s transportation system,” says California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Director Malcom Dougherty. “Each of these projects is an opportunity to improve safety, access and mobility for all travelers in California, whether you choose to travel via car, take transit or ride a bicycle”

Funding includes $190 million from the State Highway Operation and Protection Program for 10 projects to “maintain and preserve the investment in the state highway system and its supporting infrastructure.”

The work in the projects include maintenance, pavement repair and preservation work, safety improvements and bridge updgrades.

The funding also provides for the following:

  • $31.6 million from the Active Transportation Program that will go toward 40 bicycle and pedestrian projects throughout the state
  • $4 million for Transit and Intercity Rail Program projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, expand rail service to increase ridership, integrate various rail and bus systems and improve rail safety
  • $1.2 million for Traffic Congestion Relief Program projects aimed at relieving congestion, connect transportation systems and provide for better goods movement
  • $9 million in allocations came from various state and federal transportation accounts

The December 2016 List of CTC Allocations (PDF) includes more information about on the allocated projects.


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