The program will focus on efforts to minimize the effects of incidents on traffic flow, while protecting motorists and first responders.
The site,, was developed in coordination with academic institutions and NJDOT’s response partners and serves two purposes, the agency says. One is to allow first responders to sign up for existing TIM training classes or request a larger class as needed. Class schedules are searchable by time and location, and the classes can be used for continuing education credits and professional development hours.
The second function of the site is to provide details on the states Traffic Incident Management Strategic Plan, Traffic Incident Management Safety Guidelines for Emergency, Responders, state law enforcement agency phone directory and national research data about TIM.
“The life-saving training is part of a national effort to improve the safety of first responders and others on the scene of highway crashes,” NJDOT says. “The course is intended to share local, state and national best practices by providing responders the knowledge they need to conduct safe, quick clearances of roadway incidents. NJDOT and its partner agencies have trained more than 8,000 incident response personnel.”