SMUD, the nation’s sixth-largest, community-owned electric service provider, is a not-for-profit electric service and is offering the Greenergy program to state agencies. Greenergy was established in 1997 and has more than 70,000 resident and business customers who can purchase up to 100 percent of their electricity from renewable sources.
Caltrans is committing to the program as part of its effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Other such actions include establishing new standards for concrete production that cut emissions by more than 108,000 metric tons each year, installing roadway lighting and using alternative fuels to cut greenhouse gases equivalent to 41,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide.
“Caltrans is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and actively implementing new solutions to decrease our carbon footprint,” says Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “SMUD’s Greenergy program will have a sustainable impact on the way we do business and help us provide a healthier environment for Californians and future generations.”
The agency says in 2015 it averaged 15.4 million kilowatt-hours of electricity used in SMUD’s territory, an equivalency of 11.6 million pounds of coal burned and 10,840 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.