The U.S. Department of and Transportaion (USDOT) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have launched an online source for profiles highlighting the impact of transportation on health broken down by state and region.
The resource is simply called the Transportation and Health Tool (THT). The two agencies developed it to help transportation “decision-makers” and health officials “understand how their transportation system may affect health.”
The THT offers data across a broad range of “health-related transportation indicators” including:
- Alcohol-Impaired Fatalities (state and metro area level)
- Commute Mode Shares (state and metro area level)
- Complete Streets Policies (state and metro area level)
- Housing and Transportation Affordability (metro area level only)
- Land Use Mix (metro area level only)
- Person Miles Traveled by Mode (state level only)
- Physical Activity from Transportation (state level only)
- Proximity to Major Roadways (state and metro area level)
- Public Transportation Trips per Capita (state and urbanized area level)
- Road Traffic Fatalities by Mode (state and metro area level)
- Road Traffic Fatalities Exposure Rate (state and metro area level)
- Seat Belt Use (state level only)
- Use of Federal Funds for Bicycle and Pedestrian Efforts (state level only)
- Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) per Capita (state and urbanized area level)
After view the indicators, the THT makes available a list of 25 “strategies” than can be used to “improve health outcomes through transportation investments.” Examples given include adding “infrastructure” for walking, bicycling and mass transit, as well as efforts to improve roadway safety.
“This tool provides transportation and public health officials with a starting point for a dialog on how transportation investments can help protect human health,” Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said. “We are looking forward to continuing our collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to enhance our communities and improve health.”
USDOT and CDC have scheduled a webinar to cover details of the THT, Nov. 9, 2-3:30 p.m. (EST). Registration is available here.