A toll collector at the Massachusetts Turnpike died early Friday after he was hit by a pickup truck driving through the E-ZPass lane.
Bill Pappas, 61, became the first Massachusetts toll worker killed since 1999 when he was struck by the truck as he was walking across the E-ZPass lane, the Worcester Telegram reported. Pappas died shortly after he was taken to a nearby hospital.
Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Administrator Thomas Tinlin said Pappas’ death was a tragic loss to everyone at MassDOT.
“The thoughts and prayers of everyone in the MassDOT family go out to our colleague’s family, friends and loved ones,” Tinlin said said. “In light of this sad event, it is important to remind people that toll plazas are staffed around the clock, all year round, and drivers should approach toll booths as if someone they love and care about is working there.”
The incident is still under investigation by the Massachusetts State Police and MassDOT. The standard procedure for a toll collector leaving the booth is for the worker to turn on a white light outside the booth and place a cone in the middle of the lane.
A DOT spokesperson said the state plans to get rid of all toll booths by the end of next year.