Scheduled presenters for “Creative Ways to Consider Funding Future Transportation” include Carole Turley from the University of California at Los Angeles and David Ungemah and Chris Swenson from Parsons Brinckerhoff. Sharon Greene of Sharon Green and Associates, will moderate.
The webinar will be made up of four parts:
Part 1: Promises and pitfalls of transportation utility fees; Part 2: Developing a cooperative ownership model for surface transportation infrastructure; Part 3: Roadway usage charges: A retrospective from 2050 on how we got there; Part 4: Question and answer session.
“This webinar is a reprise of the highly acclaimed session at the TRB Fifth International Conference on Surface Transportation held in July 2014 in Irvine, California, and aims to make content available to practitioners who were unable to attend in person,” TRB said.
“Creative Ways to Consider Funding Future Transportation” is approved for 1.5 Certification Maintenance Credits by the American Institute of Certified Planners. Individuals registering and attending will receive a certificate for 1.5 Professional Development Hours.
More information, including how to register, is available here.