If you are tired of re-repairing the same pothole or other pavement problems three-four times, not only wasting material costs, but also the man-hours and wear and tear on your equipment; consider using Perma-Patch.  It will save you money and reduce the exposure time of workers to dangerous oncoming traffic.

Potholes are becoming more of a political issue in many cities across the country, since citizens are now starting to become very active in their complaints. When drivers keep hitting the same potholes over and over again, despite having just seen them being repaired a week or two earlier, they are infuriated.  Even further, they see the unnecessary waste of materials, equipment and manpower.

What is out there that can be used? The federal government through the SHRP (Strategic Highway Research Program) wanted to find out which of the various cold patch repair materials on the market performed the best.  They researched and  sampled scores of different cold patches from around N America and tested them in 8 different regions, Canada, Pacific North West, Southwest, South  and North East  of the US and Canada to see how they would do in different climate conditions.

They observed these field tests over a period of 18 months and almost five (5) years. The results as you can see from the reprinted chart on our web page (https://permapatch.com/product/index.html#shrp)

are significant. Standard cold patches had a failure rate more than three times that of Perma-Patch. Of all of these Hi-Performance patches, Perma-Patch had the lowest failure rate by 45-70% over our closest competitors.

What makes Perma-Patch unique is that unlike standard cold patch and hot asphalt patches it does not cure through evaporation, but through what we call dynamic pressure. This means that the more traffic driving over the patch the harder the surface becomes, but underneath the Perma-Patch will stay semi-pliable so that it can expand and contract with the changes in temperature and pressure, all without cracking or de-bonding from the surrounding pavement.

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Perma-Patch can be used in a temperature range of –15 to over 100 degrees F and it can even be applied into a hole filled with water without affecting the performance. Perma-Patch can be used to repair almost any pavement defect such as potholes and utility cuts including openings around manholes and valve casings. It will significantly outperform  other cold applied and hot asphalt patches.

Due to Perma-Patch’s unique bonding properties it is the only asphalt patching material that can be placed as thin as the stone thickness of the aggregate ¼”, which makes it excellent for pop outs, skin coats, depressions or small utility cuts or cracks. No tack coating is required. Perma-Patch will adhere to asphalt, concrete, stone, wood and metal, but not to rubber tires!

Perma-Patch is sold throughout North America and Internationally. Please give us a call at 800-847-5744 or contact us through our website, www.permapatch.com,  for your closest Perma-Patch distributor.