Patrick Freyer, President of Onspot of North America, Inc. the exclusive distributor and manufacturer of the Onspot Automatic Tire Chain System
announced today that the Company will hold its pricing for new automatic tire chain systems for the 5th year in a row. The last price change was 2004.
hen questioned how the company could do this, Freyer offered the following:
“As volumes have increased, we have worked closely with our suppliers to
keep material costs under tight control. Additionally, the company has invested in several computer controlled machining centers for our Indiana factory. This allows us to machine several components at one time rather than having 1 person drill 1 hole on a Bridgeport machine. This process has the added advantage of extremely close tolerances thereby providing high quality pieces in a shorter amount of time. These methods and practices also allowed us to obtain ISO certification with relative ease. Clearly, we are passing these savings onto our customers.”
Onspot Chains are now offered as a factory installed option from over 215
OEMS and are available for retrofit from over 1100 dealers throughout North America.
For more information contact Onspot at 800-766-7768 or