Every year, hundreds of new products are rolled out in the road and bridge building industry.
And some of the equipment and products stand out as innovative and unique, so every year, Better Roads puts together a list of the top innovations.
As I sift through all the products that have been released this year, I’d also like to ask you–the readers–for nominations. You’re the ones using this equipment and these products every day in the field.
If you are a manufacturer and would like to submit a product for consideration, please send me the name of your company, the product name, a press release and high-res pic of the product and WHY you feel the product or piece of equipment is innovative and unique–and why it should be considered a top product of this year.
Agencies and contractors: If there is a product/piece of equipment that you’ve been using that was introduced this year that you’d like to nominate as a top product, please send me your nomination, along with why you think the piece of equipment or product is innovative, and how it has made a difference with your job. Please include your name so I am able to contact you for more details.
Nominations may be sent to me, Tina Grady Barbaccia, Executive Editor for Better Roadsmagazine, at [email protected]. You may also call me at 630-364-2306.
Let me know what you think! I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Tina Grady Barbaccia
Executive Editor, Better Roads magazine