T&I Committee: ‘Improving and Reforming our Nation’s Surface Transportation Programs’

The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) conducted a field hearing in Oklahoma City on Feb. 24 on pending major surface transportation legislation.

Chairman John L. Mica (R-Fla.) and other members of the Committee joined committee member James Lankford (R-Okla.) in Oklahoma City for a hearing with state and local officials and transportation stakeholders.

The hearing is one of a series of nationwide meetings the Committee is conducting to help inform the development of a long-term, job-creating reauthorization of the nation’s highway, transit, and highway safety programs.

The Committee sought input on how to consolidate and improve the performance of programs, cut government red tape, and streamline the project delivery process, increase private sector investment in the nation’s infrastructure, identify creative financing alternatives, and other ideas for writing the legislation.

The previous multi-year surface transportation law (SAFETEA- LU) expired in Sept. 2009.

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