Land managers committed to protecting public safety have new options available to help control challenging weeds and brush: DuPont™ Perspective™, Streamline™ and Viewpoint™ herbicides.
- The new herbicides are based on aminocyclopyrachlor, a new proprietary active ingredient from DuPont.
- The herbicides provide long-lasting activity on a wide spectrum of difficult brush and broadleaf weeds in utility rights of way, roadsides, railroads, nature preserves, parks and other areas.
- Low use rates and dry blended formulations mean these new herbicides require less handling, tank-mixing, storage space and waste disposal, which saves time and costs and delivers greater overall productivity.
- The new herbicides are:
- DuPont™ Perspective™ herbicide selectively controls broadleaf and invasive weeds, including thistles, leafy spurge and knapweeds, along roadsides and other sites, while preserving desirable grasses and natural habitats. Perspective™ helps control ALS- and glyphosate-tolerant species, including kochia, marestail and pigweeds.
- DuPont™ Streamline™ herbicide controls brush in industrial rights of way where desirable native and perennial grasses need to be maintained. It controls tough species, including boxelder, hackberry and mesquite.
- DuPont™ Viewpoint™ herbicide provides broad-spectrum brush control of tough species, including boxelder, hackberry, mesquite, oaks and sweetgum in utility and industrial rights of way.
- Visit for more information.