Western Star Truck Sales Body Builder Version 2.1 guide features the availability of two- and three-dimensional generic truck model layout drawings and includes a downloadable comprehensive power take-off (PTO) compatibility section.
The latest updates to Western Star’s Body Builder book continue to help equipment manufacturers easily troubleshoot and integrate specialty bodies on all Western Star models.
In collaboration with Western Star’s custom application engineering, body builders can request pre-assembled three-dimensional (3D) model drawings consisting of primary component groups. Per-serial 3D models include front/rear suspension, axle, frame, cab and optional calculated centers of gravity, and reflect exact build configuration. The drawings can be obtained within 20 days of a truck build to help speed up the design process for body builders.
Body builders can also download generic two-dimensional (2D) drawings of all Western Star truck models from Western Star’s website to quickly develop body configurations.
Additionally, Western Star offers a 3DXml file format that does not require special CAD software in order to view model drawings on a personal computer.
The updated Western Star Body Builder book also includes a new PTO compatibility section, featuring specs and schematics for PTO controls, hydraulic pumps and mounting. The guide helps body builders determine compatibility between appropriate transmissions, engines and PTO mounting positions with respect to each Western Star truck model.
“Our goal is to streamline the design and assembly process to save body builders time and money,” said Mike Puncochar, product manager, Western Star. “This book is part of our ongoing commitment to provide body builders, and ultimately our customers, the best experience from start to finish with Western Star.”
The Western Star Body Builder Book is available to download at http://www.westernstar.com/BodyBuilderBook.