The first product launched from TraffiCalm’s new generation of driver feedback signs for 2012, the 9-Inch Radar Driver FeedBack (DFB) Sign is a lightweight, fully-featured solution with highly visible LEDs by design. Set to be the most affordably priced electronic traffic calming solution on the market, the 9” DFB is suitable for a variety of traffic calming applications.
Post Falls, ID (PRWEB) — Located at on the web. TraffiCalm Systems, a leader in the manufacture and worldwide distribution of urban/residential, highway driver feedback signs and traffic calming solutions, announced the first product in their new line of driver feedback signs for 2012.
“The new 9-Inch Radar Driver Feedback Sign is the first in a number of exciting new product launches we have planned for 2012 that is built on our new controller board design.” said Jan DeSantis, Business Development Manager for TraffiCalm Systems. “The new sign will be available for shipment beginning June 1st, and we’re anticipating that its light-weight footprint at just ten pounds along with the numeric, text and emoticon display capabilities will quickly make it an extremely popular part of our product line.”
The fully-featured and affordably priced new DFB sign features a fully enclosed electronic control system (ECS) that can be easily removed from the mounting frame as a complete unit for simplified installation and repair making it a labor efficient and cost effective solution.
The display shows the speeds of approaching vehicles using amber LEDs and is designed for use in areas where speeds are expected to be 35 mph or less; however, the sign is capable of showing and recording a wide range of speeds from 5 mph to 99 mph.
In addition, the new 9-Inch Radar Driver Feed Back Sign with Slow Down Message sign face measures a compact 18″ by 24″ inches, and has two 9” high LED highway gothic numerals to clearly display the speed.
“As an added benefit, the new 9-Inch Radar Driver FeedBack (DFB) can also display a “SLOW DOWN” message in two lines of 3” high characters, or a 9” high ‘happy’ or ‘sad’ face emoticon.” added DeSantis. “This really is a great product for urban and residential traffic applications and comes with a five-year warranty.
All of TraffiCalm Systems’ DriveBrite™ radar driver feedback sign products feature a selection of available intelligent power options that make the signs ideal for use in a wide variety of settings along with solar options for areas of installation where direct power is not available or is cost prohibitive.
With TraffiCalm’s SafetyCalm™ custom data collection software, information such as traffic volume, peak traffic hours, vehicle speeds, and more can be quickly downloaded directly via a wireless Bluetooth™ link that allows local officials, law enforcement agencies, and transit authorities to make informed planning and enforcement decisions based on timely access to valuable traffic data.
TraffiCalm’s first generation DFBs have been installed world-wide and include their successful DriveBrite™22” Highway Radar Driver Feedback and 15” Urban Radar Driver Feedback sign. Both products feature: real time speed feedback, Bluetooth Class 1 connectivity, programmable speed thresholds, high-impact polycarbonate electronics unit, solar power options, and are offered in white, yellow, fluorescent yellow-green, or fluorescent orange faceplates using the super-high efficiency retro-reflective 3M™ Diamond Grade™ Reflective Sheeting Series.
About TraffiCalm Systems: As a pioneer in the radar speed sign industry, TraffiCalm Systems leverages over a decade of manufacturing experience and engineering expertise through its parent company MOR Manufacturing to deliver its DriveBrite™ series of driver feedback signs. Deployed by government agencies, municipalities, neighborhoods, schools, and businesses in all 50 states and many other countries globally, TraffiCalm’s proven technology is a highly effective and affordable urban and highway traffic calming solution. TraffiCalm products are made in the USA.