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U.S. DOT introduces bike safety summits

red bicycle

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced yesterday on his Fast Lane blog that the United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) will host two bike safety summits this year as part of the department’s effort to help protect bicyclists on roadways.

The first summit will be held in Tampa, Florida, on April 11; the second will take place in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on April 29.

Each city’s mayor will speak at his city’s summit, discussing bicycle safety steps the city has taken. Other speakers will include industry experts and community members.

LaHood notes that the ultimate goal of the summits is to “identify innovative ideas for improving bicycle safety.” The U.S. DOT aims to use the summits to figure out what works and what doesn’t so it can improve bicycle safety nationwide.

For more information, or to register for either summit, visit LaHood’s Fast Lane blog.